Thursday, June 21, 2007

General Synod 2007, Winnipeg Manitoba
(updated Friday a.m.)

Live Coverage of some of the General Synod debates is apparently available HERE. Some of the plenary sessions will be broadcast courtesy of the good folks at Anglican Video.

Remember that Winnipeg's time zone (CDT) places it six hours behind the UK.

A series of articles which give some background to the issues (and not simply THE issue - sorry cyclops!) being dealt with at General Synod can be found HERE

Update Friday morning - The bloggers listed below were all out at the pub last night with the exception of one delegate from New Westminster who dutifully checked in. The Anglican Journal's Daily Journal covering General Synod 2007 is also available and appears to be the most comprehensive record of the events of the day. These are .pdf files.

Today (Friday) the balloting begins for the new Primate

The sequence of these two events is either 'interesting' or infelicitous. There are an awful lot of people who have been flying the flag for Victoria Matthews, the bishop of Edmonton. She was forced to withdraw from the last primatial election because of a diagnosis of breast cancer. Having beaten the disease she is now back in the running. The bishop of Edmonton is not known for being of one mind with those agitating for a public rite of blessing for same sex couples. She is, in fact, on the conservative end of the spectrum on a number of issues. While the question of 'will be bless the unions of same sex couples?' and 'who will be our Primate?' are separate issues - they aren't completely. Victoria will be the one defending the actions of General Synod to the wider Church, to potential dissidents in Canada and the U.S. and to grumpy Primates of other Provinces.

The fourth video in the Synod on Demand series is now available. It is dated Thursday the 21st of June

The third video in the series, dated Wednesday the 20th of June, available via the Synod on Demand website. I'm not sure whether this site (an address) is going to include much blow-by-blow coverage of interesting debates.

I've listed some of the blogging delegates who appear online. There are other offerings from the two extreme ends of the spectrum but I can't bring myself to read them. If anyone knows any other delegates blogging from GS who haven't already met in caucus to discover what their opinions are meant to be on the proceedings, then please drop me a line and I'll link to those as well.
Bloggers at GS

one blog
two blog
red blog
blue blog

un blog
das blog

Do note that, as expected, these bloggers are busy being delegates and so there's not the real time blogging that one might want. After having unsuccessfully tried to blog from a conference recently in Derbyshire I realized that one either has a laptop equipped with the proper wireless technology or one must wait until the house computers become available at the end of the day - a time where one should probably be in the pub getting the skinny on what's really going on rather than poring over copious handwritten notes. I don't have a laptop with the appropriate bits. I'm not rich enough to afford one - I will have to think about getting a patron or running a lottery here on Raspberry Rabbit or maybe just begging the blogosphere for anybody's old (but not too old!) equipment once they upgrade. Would that the SEC took blogging seriously and equipped their clergy with proper equipment. I shall suggest this to Kelvin and get him to shake his finger at the Primus.

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